Home Textile Machinery
We are interested to import following machinery and equipment for all types of Home Textiles.
1-Machinery for weaving or knitting of normal Curtain fabrics production.
2-Lace curtain fabrics production line.
3 Jacquard Lace Curtains production machines.
4- Sofa fabrics weaving machines and equipment.
5-For all types of Blankets production Lines.
6-Mattress Cover fabrics weaving Machine.
7- Bedspread fabrics weaving machine.
8- Bed Sheet fabrics weaving machines.
9- Blankets production Lines:
To import Machinery for weaving Raschel Blanket and other types of blankets.
We are also interested in import of following machines for Blanket Lines;
Flat Screen Printing machine -Washing Machine – Raising -polishing machines.